GEOS-K11 plus is a hardware-computer portable simulator it is designed for practicing professional skills during drilling and descending-lifting operations (DLO) on land and at sea with underwater location of preventors:

  • recognition of the occurrence of gas, oil, water inflow (GOWI) by direct and indirect signs;
  • implementation of priority actions for sealing the wellhead, in order to prevent the development of the resulting GOWI in open fountain;
  • liquidation of the resulting GOWI by one of the standard methods, which includes washing out the reservoir fluid from the well, and killing the well.

 Special feature of the simulator is its compactness and transportability when performing all functions that meet the safety rules in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation.

 Simulator software consists of two programs: «Simulator» and «Instrument panel».

 «Simulator» program allows you to:

  • receive and process control actions of devices from mock-ups of technological equipment;
  • simulate several types of flushing of an offshore well before drilling or DLO;
  • simulate the process of drilling and DLO, including visualization of the main technological parameters;
  • simulate direct and indirect signs of GOWI;
  • simulate the process of the emergence and development of GOWI;
  • perform wellhead sealing;
  • simulate the process of liquidation of GOWI (washing fluid and killing the well) as a well management process based on the analysis of controlled parameters.

 Program «Instrument panel» allows you to:

  • create options for training tasks;
  • select tasks for training;
  • display the error log and graphs of the main parameters of the processes in the well;
  • set emergency situations.

 Easy operation of on-screen buttons, levers and other «mechanisms» is achieved by clear visual means and the use of a touch screen monitor.

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